You are up to 9 pounds 9 ounces
I can't believe how much you change everyday
I think you are going to have Daddy's skin color, dark and handsome
I am pretty sure you will have blue eyes
You are 21 days old and have already outgrown your newborn diapers
Almost outgrown your cute little newborn onesies!
You eat every 2-3 hours during the day
You eat every 4 hours at night and sometimes you throw in a long 6 hour gap for momma
You are our little cuddle bug
You are such a happy baby and only cry when your hungry or need a diaper change
You are so laid back
We could stare at you for hours.....and sometimes we do!
I pray you will grow up and have your daddy's heart
He is SOOOOO precious!! I already miss him!! I pray that he grows up with a perfect mixture of his Mommy & Daddy's heart, because if he does, he will be just perfect!! Love you all and hope you have a very Merry Christmas.....we're sure going to miss you here!!