
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Every year when I finish up my blog to turn into a book I always reflect on the year.  2012 did not disappoint!  Our one and only rough year was 2006.  We have had 6 years of wonderful since with one minor scare in 2009.  Sometimes I think, "life can't be this good can it?"  "Why is my life with my boys so perfect?" "When will it come crashing down?"  "I don't deserve this life, do I?"
So Thankful I have this life though.....
I pray for many many more blessings this year.....
Many many more memories with these two.....
and watching this Lil guy grow up.......

6 years of perfection.
Almost 10 years of Us.
2 years of Jones
3.5 years of Woodward

and I hope it continues to be this good in 2013!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Busy Busy December

We had about 20 hunters within a 2.5 week time frame.  It was crazy and chaotic and fun!  Jones of course loved it!  He was all in the middle of the action!

There have been a lot to do this month to get ready for them all and Jones enjoyed all the fun time with his Daddy!

Woodward has what they call Crystal Christmas.  It is kind of like east Texas Santa land but a much smaller scale.  They also have a train and Santa.  Jones was in love with the train!  We rode it in about 15 degree weather!  Then we went to see Santa.  Jones did good this year and even told Santa what he wanted....a choo choo train!

Papa J and Grammy bought Jones a real deal train set a few months back and we got lucky when Jones started asking for a choo choo train!  We ended up building a huge train/play table for Jones and had it set out Christmas morning!  Jones kept saying, "Wow!"  He was beyond excited!

We ended up not going home for Christmas.  Cody is still here by himself and we really couldn't go home since it was so cold here and no one here to keep an eye on the ranch for us.  It was nice having Santa at our house this year and.....we had a WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!!  It was perfect!

Cody's family came up after Christmas and stayed a couple of days and my family will be in and out next month!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Birthday Overload


Jones had a birthday celebration for a week.  We had a huge party when we went in for Thanksgiving.

We had a busy busy week running around all over creation making sure we saw everyone.  We had his party on Saturday morning and went to Papa and Grammy afterwards.  Jones was exhausted from not only his party but from the week.  There we get to relax and not have to be anywhere.  We opened and put together most of Jones' presents there and let him have at it!  He was in toy heaven! He played his little heart out!  We were going to head home on Monday but decided to stay till Tuesday so we could have 1 more day of relaxing!

On his actually birthday we had a chill day. We went to church, had pizza for lunch and came home to cake balls!

Ended the day on a colorful note:)

and a relaxing night!  He will probably think from  now on birthday's are week long:)

Monday, December 3, 2012

I know, but it's just so hard....

Today Jones is getting rid of all the crap we let him consume yesterday.....since it was his birthday.  Stuff that we don't usually let him eat on a regular basis and definitely in moderation if.  BUT it was a special day.  We have been having a lot of special days lately and we have been giving in.  Giving in and knowing what it does to Jones, after the fact.  There are several things that Jones eats or drinks and it burns his bottom so bad it looks like we lit a match to it.  It hurts him so bad he won't sit on his bottom.  So we have learned over the last two years that he can't have simply things like juice, to many strawberries, a lot of tomato sauces, no to sodas, and no to simply foods that hurt his stomach. 

 While he can't make simple decisions right now, we make them for him.  It's sad when he wants an extra ORGANIC yogurt pouch but he can't.  It's sad when he wants the whole thing of strawberries but 3 is his limit.  It's sad when he wants one little sip of Cody's Dr. Pepper and we give in and the next day  it is horrible.  It's sad that he can consume a whole bowl of hot sauce and he's fine.  Its sad he can eat a whole bowl of pasta with red sauce and it hurts to put a diaper on him the next day.  It's hard to find a balance when even the balance doesn't even work.

So even though we know, we caved and let Jones have whatever he wanted yesterday.  Was that one day of pure excitement worth a raw booty today.  To me it's not.  To Jones, I don't know yet.  Maybe one day soon he will tell us.  

I have learned that stuff is just stuff even on special days. I am so thankful that my child can take it so well when I have to tell him "no" and to "please go put it back up"  when he doesn't even understand why yet.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Jones

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!!

I took Jones' 2 year old pic this year and at first I was not thrilled with them. I was comparing them to the ones I took last year and they had a cute little theme and they were just cute cute cute.  The more I look at them the more I love them just as much as his 1 year old pics!  The top pic he was screaming bloody murder and wanted off of that hay bale ASAP!  Didn't think it would have turned out as good as it did!

DooDee came down to visit this week and J was all smiles!

We had his birthday again in Canton at Jerry's Pizza.  It's kind of a half way point for everyone who had to drive in.....and well, Jones loves PIZZY
His favorite thing right now are tractors!  He has so many tractors and got so many more at his birthday but he knows them all and knows when they are misplaced and is not happy if he can't sleep with at least 10!

We had a good trip in to Texas.  We stayed a week and this was the first time since May Cody had left the ranch.  He was way over due for some down time!


You make everyday so much better!
So very glad your ours!
Can't believe how fast time can go!
Can't believe how silly we can be when your around!
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us his year!
You are such a joy!
I literally feel my heart about to explode at least once a day when I look at you!
You have the best of me and Cody wrapped up in this little sweet package!
You have every ounce of sweetness your daddy has!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hard Lesson Learned.....

Sometimes when things fall in your lap doesn't mean they are meant to be..............

October 31st was my last day at work at the school.  It was a sad farewell but it just was not supposed to be.  I got selfish, greedy and figured I could go do something I wanted to do for a change.  The job literally fell in my therefore I took it as a sign of this is what God wants for me.  I was excited about getting to put my whole paycheck in saving for my family.  When I got my first paycheck I was a little shocked.  Did the figuring in my head and I was not paid the number I was told I was going to be getting paid....the number that I was thrilled about....the number that made me sticking my child in day care worth it.  It was then I realized I was told the wrong salary during my interview......I was so disappointed.........  I kept thinking about that original number.  Was it really worth it?  Was that number really worth someone else raising my child when I can?  It wasn't. I stuck it out for 3 months because I didn't want to put anyone in a bind.....but I finally had to throw in the towel.  Bittersweet........I was miserable that whole 3 months and felt guilty leaving J, but at the same time I loved my job, I loved the girls I met and getting up at 6 was actually not so bad.  I had found a job that I fit well in. 

During the 3 months I worked there, our church was hosting a Dave Ramsey class.  I had heard all about him and his way of thinking from several friends and we decided to take the 9 week course.  So glad we did. It was life changing to say the least.  A lot we already knew and a lot we were already doing, but we could have been doing better and more.  It put a fire under us both and we are SOOO excited about our future financially now!

I think we were both nervous about me not working and staying home with J, even though we could afford it.  It was never said but there was always an underlining of, "wow, but we could be saving so much more money!"  After this class we learned we can still save money and live our life on 1 income.

So the last 2 months have been a big ole' slap in the face and a huge lesson learned.  I am not in control of my life.  I know that. Sometimes I forget and God has a funny way of putting me back in my place where I belong..........


With my boys

Doing what I do best

Loving them with all my being!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Papa J and Grammy got Jones a pearl snap, a belt with his name branded into it, wranglers, cowboy hat and the cutest pair of boots before he was ever born......They are finally starting to fit!  We dressed him for church one morning his his pearl snap and belt and boots.  He was a cutie!

I spent a ridiculous amount of money last year on his little stinker skunk costume and I justified it with, "this is his first Halloween!' ha, so I didn't have any excuse this year to spend a lot again.  We were right smack in the middle of a Dave Ramsey class this year and so I decided not to spend a lot this year.  He was a cowboy! And being a Campbell/Jones he had all the gear already.  He was a cute Lil cowboy too.  His costume was missing something we stopped at Atwood's on the way to trick or treat.  We picked up a stick horse and he went the rest of the night riding that horse saying, "yee-haw!"  He had a blast and we got a lot of laughs!
The next morning he was ready to go again......this time in his pajamas.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Another Trip away

We planned a trip for Jones to go visit Texas without us again.  Grammy wanted to take a week off work and keep Jones.  We met Nawna half way this time so he could stay a few days in Van to.  He enjoyed the long ride with all his new toys.

Aunt Christi sent Cody a picture of Jones in the nursery at church on Sunday and he was playing with Barbie......Cody said, "at least it's naked barbie!" 

Papa found an old tractor toy and Jones was in love!

Grammy of course cooked her little heart out for Jones.  Jones wasn't feeling to good the week before he visited and he only wanted mashed potatoes the whole Grammy made a huge batch of mashed potatoes and he was happy as a lark the whole week!

We definitely missed out little side kick but we actually enjoyed our self this time.  We were able to sleep in!  We got all the chores on the ranch done during the week so we had the weekend to lay around and relax!  We went and saw a the movie theater!  We have not been to see a movie since I was 25ish weeks pregnant......a long time ago!  I was also able to sit in a deer stand with Cody.  I haven't done that in 3 years!  It was a lot of fun because we saw a lot of animals.
We had planned to drive all the way in to Texas to pick up J and stay a few days but Cody got sick.  He was sick sick!  He ran a 102 fever for 3 days.  So I drove to Norman and Papa and Grammy met me so I wouldn't have to make that long drive by myself and leave Cody helpless and in bed by himself for a few days, ha!  I left that morning about 10 and made it back home around 6.  Jones didn't understand why Cody wasn't kissing on him and playing with was sad, but Jones was a mommas boy for a few days while Cody recuperated!   I enjoyed the time I had with him:)  When Cody felt better it was back to Daddy's boy he went.............................BOO!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall Has Arrived...kind of?

Usually by this time we have already had our first freeze, maybe a little snow and frigid temps.  This year we are still having 80 degree days and sun sun sun!  It has finally started cooling off a bit at night, enough to smell fall and everything that comes with I made my sweet potato pie!  8 mini pies to be exact and they were delish!

 We heard about a pumpkin patch about 20 miles from us so we decided to go check it out one day after I got off work.  It was more like a side of the road pumpkin stand........we were a little disappointed but Jones loved picking out his pumpkin and climbing on the mini hay bales.  This place was kind cool and kinda weird?  There were 3 stacks of pumpkin...small, medium, large.  After you picked out your pumpkin you would just put your money in a locked  There are way too many dishonest people in this world....I wanted to leave extra to make up for all the people who don't pay.

Jones was so happy with his pumpkin he wanted to sleep with it, he finally settled on leaving it on his night stand and it was the first thing he wanted the next morning.  We kept it whole for about 2 weeks and Cody decided to carve it one afternoon while I was at my girls night.

Jones didn't want anything to do with it after it was carved.......Epic Daddy fail! LOL

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hunting Season

 This is what Cody works for all year long.........hunting season.  When dove season rolled around we were able to go out a few times.  Jones loved it.  This was probably the first time he has been around guns going off every 5 seconds and he just laughed, found a stick and pointed to the sky and yelled, "bang, bang!"  Jones, you are a funny little dude!

We have been really busy this year with hunts as well.  We have been lucky again this year with all the guest who have come out here to hunt.  They have been all so wonderful!  Since we have been so busy, Cody has not had time to hunt for himself.  This might be the first in 30 years:)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dreams and Interrupted Plans.

Back in May I was messing with my phone, somehow found myself looking up info on Woodward Schools and saw they were looking for a secretary at the Early Childhood Center which holds pre-k-1st grade.  Cody noticed me in deep thought and asked what I was thinking about.  I told him I might apply for the position.  He was a little shocked.  He knows how much I love staying home with Jones and raising him and not a daycare, but he told me to do whatever I wanted.  I applied the next day and mailed in my application and received a call 2 days later for an interview.  The interview went great!  May passed, Cody's helper on the ranch quit, we became busy, I was Cody's helper, June passed and I hadn't heard anything.  I didn't stress about it because I knew if I didn't get the job I would be just as happy because I would still be able to stay home with my lil' man and it seemed Cody needed me more now on the ranch.  I finally called sometime in July to see if they had filled the position and they hadn't.  I got called for my 2nd interview a few days later and it lasted maybe 2 minutes.....not good in my mind.  They called the next day saying I was hired!  I was a little shocked and still had a little anxiety about leaving Jones.  I  had signed him up for a great preschool in town but the wait is about 1.5 years, ha!  I got lucky and my friend told me she could keep him!  She has 4 boys and a foster mom to a little girl. He is doing so good over there! 

 Him and Crosby are about 3 months apart and both ALL boy!  They fight like brothers:)  Jones is learning a lot from this little dude.  Good and bad and I am so glad!  It was time to venture out and learn knew things and learn to socialize!
 They live in a neighborhood with another little boy about their age and they all have a good ole' time. 
I enjoy my new job and know I am up there for a reason but I sure do miss staying home with Jones, cooking, and helping Cody when he needs help.  I always knew I wanted to stay him with my maybe the first couple of years but it is so hard leaving him every morning.  I have no idea how mommas leave their newborns!!!!!!!!

Jones,  I so hope you are enjoying this time and learning so much!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

End of Summer

 We lived at the water park this year.  Jones was old enough to enjoy it and it was HOT HOT HOT!  This summer has been crazy, hectic and super busy.  We are definitely ready for fall, shorter days, cooler weather and sweet potato pie:)
Fall is so close........It has been so nice in the afternoon.  We have been getting out on the ranger more and more in the evening without having to bring a 10 gallon bucket of water for Jones to play in to keep cool. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fun and Breaks!

After our depressing and exhausting June, things are starting to look up.  Summer is our busy time no matter what, plus Cody here by himself has just made it that much harder.  We have settled in quite nicely though, considering.  We have a new norm and a new routine and it fits.  Cody has finally realized he can't work 7-10 everyday and not having a break.  He has started coming in a few hours during the day, when its the hottest to hang out with us or we go to the water park:)  or taking time for himself.

Jones has had a few special days too:)  His first bite of ice cream was for breakfast, he was in love!

It has been so hot that everyday involves water..........
 We have an awesome water park and it's so nice for young kids too!
 The Carter clan came down for a visit!  We so enjoyed their visit and it was terrible short!  Jones walks around saying Eyi for Eli all day long!
 Our water park has a huge area for little toddlers and it's only about ankle to shin deep.  Jones does his best in water up to his neck with no floaty.  I bought him an arm thingy floaty and he hates the restrictions.  So I decided to just let him go and see what he does.  He is a natural and goes everywhere!
 While the Carter's were here the boys went to play golf while the boys napped.  After naps we loaded up and joined in.  Jones loves golf!
 Every night after dinner, before we start our afternoon chores of checking the deer, filling waters, feeling feed buckets and bottle feeding babies, Jones gets a quick dip in his mini pool.  When he is done we clean it out, dry it off and bring it in....HOURS of entertainment!  He snacks in his pool, he races cars in his pool, and just about everything he has in the house ends up in his pool sometime throughout the day.  Best $8.00 spent!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Once upon a time, there was a worker on a ranch.  He broke everything there was to break that made his life easier.  After he broke everything on the ranch, he didn't want to have to do it the hard way for a while, while everything was getting fixed.  So he decided to quit......with no warning.........and leave his house disgusting.  This pretty much sums up our month of June!

Cody had been working like a crazy man this last month.  He has even put me and Jones to work.  In the morning, not all morning, he will load Jones up in the work truck and go feed and water the elk while I stay and feed and water the deer.  This usually saves Cody a couple of hours to do other things that need to be done.  Jones LOVES it because he LOVES going with Daddy!

We haven't even started looking for a replacement.  We have to get their house cleaned is a nightmare!  A sad scary nightmare.....I refuse to go over there and clean's that bad......

 I love love love this place and enjoy helping Cody out, but this is not my's Cody's.  I needed a huge fat break from this place the other day and luckily our girls game night fell on the perfect night.  I was able to get away for a few hours but my boys had to still work.  Cody had to spray the deer pens and just took Jones with him.  Jones LOVES tractors!  Cody needed a huge fat break to and went to play golf one afternoon!

Jones has been helping us feed baby deer and washing their bottles:)  and feeding the dogs:)

Checking deer with daddy..............
 Jones also got his first shiner and his first goose egg on his forehead this week too.......... He was So proud of his shiner.....he didn't care for the goose egg though.......
 One of the bigger things that Luis broke before he left was the feed trailer something.....:)  The thing that makes the feed come out of a huge trailer thing......:)  So we had to go fill about 10 one ton feeders by hand......NOT FUN!  We have been going to make it easier on Cody.  It has been HOT HOT HOT too!  We bring a huge bucket of water for Jones to splash in while Cody totes about 45 fifty pounds sacks of feed up a ladder to the top of the feeder and then throws me the sac to do away with.........
 Jones has been getting in a lot of driving time.  He should be getting his license in the next week or so........
We are also bottle feeding 6 babies, 2 of which have still not calmed down.  They are crazy! and Cody being Tarzan and doing it all.  I love my Tarzan!