
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow, Snow and more Snow

We had 3 days of pure snow!  I have never seen this much snow before in one place.  We got about 10-12 inches of snow that stuck.  More fell but on the first day it was above freezing and a lot melted.  Cody still had to feed and go about his day......Jones and I helped!

Cody had to clear out all the snow in his truck to fit hay and buckets of feed for the Elk.

Jones thinks he is as strong as his daddy!

After nap we ventured out a bit to play.  The snow had finally stopped falling so we figured it would be ok for us to get out on the ranger.  Halfway to the gate to the high fence it started snowing again.  I am talking huge snow flakes and it was hard to see.  Jones was over the cold and snow at this time but we had to go drop some hay off and kept going.  Another 20 minutes passed....he unloaded hay and headed back to warmth.  By this time Jones was so mad and cried all the way home.  It was horrible and he was freezing.

We came home and made a fort and he was all smiles after that......after he defrosted.

The next afternoon the sun finally came out and there was NO wind!  It was perfect.  It was actually pretty comfortable in the sun.  I have been so bummed that we never bought a sled and we had nothing to use in its place.  Finally after the 3rd day Cody decided to use Jones baby pool from last summer.  It didn't work to great............  We didn't make it far before the front would just dig into the snow.

While we were trying to rig something else up Jones tripped and tried to catch himself.  But when his hands hit the ground(snow) they just went down about 6 inches to the actual ground and Jones' face went straight in the snow about 5 inches.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  We got a good laugh and Jones was SO mad and couldn't understand why we were laughing so hard.

But after Jones saw what daddy rigged up he was a happy little camper again!  This is an old mineral block feeder for cows and it worked like a charm!  We played our little hearts out!

After the snow started to melt.....all 10 inches of it.....our CR was horrible.  I was able not to get my car in it for the first few days and keep it mud free......yesterday I had to go to town to stock up on goods for our first blizzard ever!  You can't even see what color my car is totally covered in mud.  We have heard anywhere from 15-30 inches of snow this go around.  We so need the moisture and i say BRING IT ON!!!!

Cody triple fed everything today just in case we are stuck in the house for a few days.  He even went out and chopped fire wood in case our electricity went out and it is nicely stacked in our washroom......What a manly man I have!  Love him!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 years, 7 months, 7 days....

............since Dr.'s told us Cody had bladder cancer. 

Our trip to OKC last weekend started out as a Dr.'s checkup for Cody.  Cody's Urologist moved to the city a couple of years ago and we love him so much, so we decided to keep seeing him, even though it means a few hour trip to get to him. We then decided to make a weekend of it and relax and reflect.  For some reason I had an uneasy feeling about this appointment.  I made the appointment at the beginning of January and had an uneasy feeling about it ever since.

His appointment went great!  Dr. Jia said he would only need 2 more scopes in the next 2 years and then they would start taking urine samples and sending that off for DNA testing etc. to make sure there is no signs of cancer cells in his body....Cody is looking forward to when the 2 years is up!

Cody did great.....but it is always so emotionally draining for him.  His blood pressure is always through the roof while we are there.  His scope was first thing that morning and we were going to rest and relax in the hotel the rest of the day.....but.....we had left our basketball tickets hanging on the refrigerator at our house and so desperately wanted to get them.  So we had another road trip back to Woodward and back to the city for basketball tickets.  It gave us more time to reflect and talk about how Faithful our God is!  I don't know why I was so uneasy about this appointment.....I know to let it all go and to trust Him, but sometimes it's just so dang hard.  I scrolled back to 2009 here,and reread what all happened to us that summer.  We had just moved 7 hours away from our family to the perfect place.  We were having a hard time undoing all the bad that had been done to this ranch before us.  Trying to get a healthy balance to our schedule, and it seemed like nothing was going our way.

I do believe we were sent here for a reason and I think that reason had something to do with Dr. Jia and what was about to happen with Cody.  Looking back it is so neat how all the pieces to the the puzzle just seemed to fall into place.

Almost 4 years later we are still here and my, oh my, is it good!

Monday, February 18, 2013

All my Favs....

.......wrapped up in one weekend!

Our mini staycation was a success.  We don't usually get to get away from the ranch, just because.  We made this exception because we needed time away to rest.  We met Papa Jones and Grammy in Paul's Valley on V-Day and then headed back North to OKC for a few days.  For our V-Day dinner we went to our favorite sushi did not disappoint!  We then decided to go to the movies.  We are not big movie theater people but we enjoyed Identity Thief.  We laughed SO hard.  I knew I wanted to go see Safe Haven sometime that weekend so I let Cody pick the movie!
After the movie we went to the Olive Garden for dessert and champagne.  It was yummy too.
Friday night we made reservations for Mickey Mantel's.  It's one of the best and nicest steakhouses in the city.  Our Sunday school teacher suggested it to us, so we decided to check it out.  He told us to plan on spending at least 100.  We never splurge on things so we just went for it.  We ordered an appetizer, steaks with add ons and got a dessert to-go because we were SO full.  We were there for at least 2 hours and it was the best dining experience ever.

We sat in a little nook and just talked and talked.  It was nice.
We were so full after dinner so we decided to just go back to the room and relax.  I got a foot rub and then we chowed down on this.......

This piece of cake was twice as big as Cody's hands and at least 6 inches thick.  We only had maybe 1/4 of it and we were stuffed again.  I'm pretty sure I gained 10 pounds on this trip!

The next morning we loaded up and headed to Stillwater.  We had tickets to the OU/OSU basketball game.  It was a great game and a neat experience at a huge college campus.  Our hotel was about a mile away from the school.  We arrived at our hotel about 11:45, our room was not ready and we could see a lot of people walking.  I love walking and talked Cody into just walking to the gym.  The game started at 12:30 and we were just in time and we didn't have to find a parking place...SCORE!

The game was intense.  The guy beside me had so bad B.O and the girl behind us would not shut up and honestly, I think she thought she was the coach......

Cody was def in his element......

While we were at the game I just played on my phone...I got some cute pics of Jones at Papa and Grammy's house.  He was having a great time!  Probably didn't even miss us.....but we def missed him!

Papa Jones showing Jones how to run a farm!

After the game we walked back in the direction of our hotel found a yummy Mexican food place and ate our little hearts out...walked back to our hotel and relaxed till our movie started.  Safe Haven was SO good.  I just love Nicholas Sparks anyways and his movie never disappoint!  After the movie we went to Red Lobster and had a couple of appetizers and closed them down.

It was nice sitting somewhere quiet and having adult conversations for hours at a time without having to entertain a 2 yr old.  Jones, We love you more than words can describe but me and daddy sure did enjoy ourselves this weekend!
On our drive home the weather was PERFECT!  We pushed the sunroof back and enjoyed the 2 hour drive home.  We were going to stop at Gloss Mountain to hike it but decided to come back with Jones one day.....he would love it!  We got back to the ranch and a few of the breeder bucks dropped their antlers so we went out on the ranch and hiked and hiked and hiked and found lots of sheds.....Cody was thrilled!  It was a great weekend!  Jones got home about 9 Sunday night and Oh how we missed you sweet boy!

We need to make this an annual trip fo sho!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Well, maybe the day before Valentine's Day 2013...........

We did our V-Day on the 13th this year.  We were going to be traveling all day on the 14th so we made the 13th special.  I had not gone to the store to pick up goodies all week.  We got a huge snow storm on the 12th, so I couldn't drive to town that day to pick up goodies, so I talked Cody into driving us to town in the snow on the night of the1 2th:)  We made it home in one piece and ready for our day of LOVE!

We woke up and I made Jones some red pancakes...which turned out more of a pink color.  I am HUGE anti food coloring.  Not sure why, just have read so much stuff on the red dye I avoid it like the plague.  I ended up juicing a pint of strawberries and used it instead of water and I had a beautiful red batter!  After they cooked they were pink......still V-Day approved!

Jones LOVED them.  He didn't even want syrup with them.  I might start making them more and changing up the juice to other fruits to try out!  Yum Yum!  I started packing for the day while Cody had to go to town to run a few last minute errands before we left town for a few days. I was in Jones' closet with Cody got home.  Jones, of course, ran to him and came back in his room with this in his hands and said, 'here ya go, mommy!!"

Loved them and the card!

I had to work the nursery at church Wednesday night so Jones helped me make the kiddos so V-Day goodies!  We made some Love Punch and Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies!

The Love Punch was so good!  I found the recipe on Pinterest.  It was Raspberry Lemonade, Raspberry Sherbet and Sprite!

Since I had to work nursery the boys were in charge of feeding themselves.  The night before we picked up some seafood and squash and Cody was good to go for the night.

Jones and I made some Chocolate covered strawberries for later, saved a little Love Punch for later, finished up the cookies and I headed out!

I couldn't find a way to turn these stupid cookies red without red food coloring......mommy fail, but they were still good and anything in moderation is ok.....right?

My kiddos at church loved the Love Punch and the cookies and I came home to a relaxing night with my boys!  Tomorrow we are off to the the city for 3 nights of hotel living while Jones goes to Texas to see the Grands!  I AM SO EXCITED!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Snow 2013

We finally had our first significant snow storm of the year today!  Yesterday was 50, sunny and nice and Cody worked till dark the last few days, trying to get everything done.  It paid off when we woke up to 3 inches of snow this morning and Cody went back to sleep with me!  It felt good to sleep in.  Jones woke about 9.  I went and got him and we crawled back in bed with Cody.  Gave Jones his Ipad to watch Mickey Mouse and laid there some more. I got up about 10 and made breakfast and we had breakfast in bed!  Jones has always been a good eater but this morning he was beyond excited to eat in our bed!  He attacked us.  We finished breakfast and laid around till 11. MUCH NEEDED

We got up, I put dinner on in the crock pot, got dressed in our warmest and headed out.  The only thing Cody needed to do was feed the elk.  Some how we made it to the back of the ranch in the dodge and then came back home.

Jones thought the snow was yummy and kept eating it.  We had our first lesson on only eating "clean snow" and he was confused, ha!  It's wet wet wet snow and if it was the dry stuff we would have about 12 + inches of snow on us but it's melting fast and we probably have about 5 or 6 inches.  This is the fun snow.  There is no wind and it doesn't feel very cold outside.  The trees even had a few inches on every branch.

We had a few blinds out and they were struggling with all the snow on top of them. 
Cody to the rescue!
Today has been a much needed relaxing day with my boys!
Looking forward to what March brings.  March is usually our biggest snow days!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dog Days of Summer....I mean Winter!

This year has been crazy dry, weird weather, obnoxious drought and a slow winter.  We usually have frigid temps all winter and lots of snow but this year has been tame.  Me and Jones have been able to get out a lot and help Cody while the weather is nice.  We have all been under the weather for about 4 weeks now and this week has been the first in a while we have had energy to join Cody and help him out.

It gives Cody some time to slow down and play with Jones while I have learned to feed and operate heavy moderation:)

We had to go fill the huge protein feeders the other day and we tagged along.  Cody and Jones played tag around the hug trailer/bin and I climbed the steps to do the work and check out the view...It was a good view.

We stopped over in Little Africa to put out hay and threw out corn(candy) and all the animals came a running!  Jones can point out and name each animal..."Oryx Momma!  Addax Momma!  Big Buck! Red Deer momma!  I want pet it!  Here,Here, Come Here Oryx!"  He's so funny and loves this place as much as his daddy.

Get em, Daddy! Get em!  I see? I see?

Jones was doing amazing with his potty training.  I had the genius idea of starting pull ups at night just in case he had an accident......worst idea ever!  He has now regressed back into just going whenever, wherever.  He is getting confused on his big boy underwear and pull ups.  So we are taking a break, having a weekend getaway, sending Jones to Texas and starting over Monday when we all get back.  Back to the 3 day potty training and I will listen this time and not EVER EVER EVER use a pull up or diaper.....ever again!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Potty Training, Big Boy Bed, Oh My!

Awe look at that lil boy all cute in his big boy bed!  Except that he is screaming at  full blast.

We have all been under the weather the past 3 weeks.  I decided a few weeks ago that I was going to start potty training on the 28th which was a Thursday.  The method I'm using suggest having 3 days of nothing to do, no where to go, and to concentrate on potty that is what we did.  We finally had 3 days to run around the house in our underwear!
The day before we were supposed to start we all had a little stomach bug....not fun.  Jones had some nasty diapers and I was dreading to start potty training the next day.  So we all laid around the house the day before and rested up!  I knew he was ready to start because every night before bath he would want to sit on the "big potty" and he would use it!

We started the morning with breakfast and I told Jones and I explained to Jones that he was such a big boy that we were going to start wearing big boy underwear and do all our business in the bathroom.  He said, "Yay, mommy...I  a big boy!"  We finished breakfast, went into his bathroom.  I took his diaper off, explained to him that he needed to remind mommy when he needed to go, put his Thomas the train undies on and went to play.  The method we are using says throw away all diapers and DO NOT USE PULL UPS!  Going all in!

So every 2 minutes, literally, I would remind him, "make sure you tell mommy when you got to go pee pee or poo and we will run to the potty!"  Every where he went I went, every where I went I would drag him with me.  I kept an eye on him like a hawk.  After about five minutes of playing he pauses, looks at me wide eyed and I said, "let's go tee tee on the potty!"  He took off running and so did I.  I swooped him up put him on and he finished in the potty.  He didn't hold it long enough, but the fact he knew what to do already made my day!  The next go around I read his cues and could tell he was about to go and off we ran.  This time he did both!  Started in his undies but finished on the potty!  Go Jones!  I cleaned him up, changed his undies, kept rewarding him for letting me know and changed into some more rockin' undies.

After 10:30 that morning he was able to give me verbal cues that he needed to go and off we would run.  He didn't have another accident that day!  He even went down for a nap and woke up early to let me know he needed to tee tee on the potty!
That night didn't go so good.  The book says that by this age they should be waking up dry.  If not don't give them liquids after 6ish and make them go before they go to bed a couple of times.....done and done.  He woke up squirming about 12:30.  I ran to his room to wake him but he had already wet the bed.  We cleaned up, changed the sheets and then he didn't want to get back in bed.  He wanted, "daddy's bed"  Ummm, no child.....we love you so much, but not gonna start that!  He settled for rocking, I put him back in his bed and he woke up every 20 minutes needed to use the bathroom.......Every time he would actually go on the potty but come 5 O'clock I was exhausted......and missing his diaper.  He finally went back to sleep at 5:30 and we all slept till 10 that morning.  It was GREAT!  When he started stirring the next morning I ran to get him and he stood up as soon as I went in his room and started yelling, "tee tee on the potty, tee tee on the potty!"  I scooped him up and off we went.  HE MADE IT!  WOKE UP DRY AND ALL!  When Cody came home from lunch I was so exhausted.  I was tired of hearing my self remind Jones every minute to "let me know when he had to go tee tee or poo poo and we will run to the potty"  When he woke up he was thirsty thirsty!  He had 2 glasses of milk and a glass of water and had only gone once that morning.  I was thinking seriously!  You didn't have anything last night and you peed ALL NIGHT LONG.  He didn't have an accident that morning.  For some strange reason, I think I was delirious from no sleep, I'm not used to being sleep deprived, Jones has always let us sleep, always, I decided that we needed to convert Jones' crib into his big boy bed.  Cody looked at me like I was crazy and said no.  I talked Jones into going up to Cody over and over and saying "I big boy now daddy", lol. I finally told Cody my reasoning for wanting to.  I figured if I was going to be sleep deprived for 3 days,  we might as well kill two birds with one stone.  He finally caved and started converting! I knew we had time before his nap since he didn't wake up till 10!

We finished about 3:30. Jones helped and he was SO excited.

He kept crawling in and out and putting all his toys on his bed to play.
Come nap time he did not want to stay in his bed.  I knew we would have to be consistent, firm, and not cave.  He kept getting out of his bed and coming out saying he needed to tee tee in the potty.  So we would go, he would actually have to go and we would put him back in his bed.  He kept using that as an excuse.......Well come 5 O'clock, I caved.  I didn't want him crashing that late and let him join us in the living room.  I went to town to get dinner and while I was gone Jones had 2 accidents.  I gave Cody to "Low down" on the method and he said he could handle it but he wasn't watching him close enough.  Men can't multitask,ha!

At bed time was a night mare.  He kept using the excuse to potty.  After he potties 10 times I finally said no more.  I kept just putting him back in bed.  After about 10 minutes of him having a break down(I have never heard him cry so hard) I scooped him up to rock him.  He was so wore out from no nap, and then that emotional breakdown that as soon as I started rocking he was out!  I rocked him for a few minutes then laid him down...SCORE!

He got restless about 1:30.  I went to check on him and he had wet the bed.  I got him cleaned up and bed changed, went to use the potty and then he didn't want to get back in his bed. I rocked him to sleep and but him back in bed and went back to bed myself.  About 30 minutes later I wake to a loud slamming noise.  Jones had made his way to our room and slammed the door after he opened our bedroom door.  I'm a skittish sleeper and this scared the *&* out of me!  Seeing him standing by my bed he just looked so irresistible.  I scooped him up and put him in our bed.  As soon as I did it I was kicking myself.  I laid there with him for about 5 minutes and go some cuddles in and then I scooped him up  and headed back to his room.  He started crying, "daddy's bed, daddy's bed"  It was so sad. I tried to make him stay in his bed.  I pleaded, I was nice, I laid in his bed with him, I laid on the floor with him, I rocked him, I was exhausted, and he used the bathroom about 10 times in that time. Finally at 4:45, as stern as I could be, I would call it my devil voice, I said, "mommy is tired, mommy is going to her bed, you are going to lay here in your big boy bed and go to sleep and you are not going get get out of your bed till morning, and I mean it!!!!!!" turned around and walked out.  He whimpered and fell asleep.  On my way back to bed I was thinking WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS 2 HOURS AGO!

We were dragging today.  Nap time stunk.  He kept getting up to use the potty and I kept making him go back to his bed after each bathroom visit....he was not to thrilled with that.  But he would stay in his bed until he wanted to use to the bathroom again.  After 2 hours he finally went to sleep.

Potty training is going great.  Better than I could imaging.  So glad I found the 3 day potty training girl and have followed her technique to a T.  She guaranteed complete training after the 3rd day and we are there.  We just got to get this one accident at night kicked in the butt.  It's the big boy bed im struggling with.  I want to go get pull ups for night time just so I don't have to deal with putting him back to bed for the night.....but I won't cave!!!!