
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Potty Training Round 2

Why are lil boy bottoms so cute in lil underwear?

Potty Training round 1 was a fail when I resorted to pull ups at night.  I had him fully potty trained at the end of  February.  This momma got sleep deprived when a little boy kept waking her up every 30 minutes to I did the logical thing and stuck pull ups on soon as I did that he regressed back.  So I gave it a break, a long break, kept putting it off, because lets face it......potty training is not fun....I repeat...NOT FUN!

I followed the 3 day potty training.  I still stand by her method although the lady that wrote the book really pissed me off.  When you buy the book, it comes with having access to her, to ask any questions you may have, or if you need a pep talk, if you need encouragement etc.....  Well I emailed her a few times and she was very helpful.  The last time I emailed her I told her about the pull up situation and asked for help from there.  Well she is big on THROWING ALL DIAPERS AND PULL UPS AWAY so you won't be tempted to use them.  Her only response back was, "why did you put pull ups on him, you were supposed to throw them away, if you don't follow my method exactly it won't work, and there is NO hope for you..........."  The End.....nothing else has come from her.

I put my pride down and restarted the method and Jones had it down in a day.  After a few days I rewarded him with a big ole Dr.pepper at dinner with a big ole' pizza.
Right after dinner he just stood there and went in his pants......Pretty much laughing at me saying, "ha, jokes on you, thanks for the dr. pepper!"  He was having a few issues for awhile that he shouldn't have!  So we took ALL his toys away.  All 545 tractors, all 265 trains, and all 160 balls.  Then he would miraculously go in the potty next time and so we would bring ALL his toys back out.  When he would have ALL his toys he would go back in his undies.....repeat.  I finally just took them ALL away and now every time he goes to the potty he gets ONE back instead of all.  It's working out a whole lot better!

He did have to start reading a lot fill the void of no tractors:)
Now he only has accidents at church.......Not sure if he is scared to tell the ladies, or he is just too busy playing.  Church has been cue for him to just go wherever he wants.....

At home he is golden!  He runs around in his underwear because he can go by himself now!  He hasn't mastered pulling down his pants, but he can those undies!

(my child does not ride down the road like this....only on the ranch!)
And it is oh' so cute and hilarious!

"No mommy, I will not get down, nor will I be careful!"

"Superman to the RESCUEEEE!"

Oh, Jones!  One day you are going to be reading this and wonder why I plastered that cute lil underwear booty all over blogger, but honey, it is just oh so adorable and mommy is sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I'm an adult single gay man and my favorite picture of your little son laying down inside his bed crib wearing those toddler boy's briefs underwear. It could and would be very interesting to see myself sliding down and off of him to sexually molest your little boy. Then taking my ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸŒ out to let him ๐Ÿ‘€ at an adult males penise ๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ‘ˆ. Also I believe that he even mite get the opportunity to let him watch me masturbating my ๐Ÿฅ•off. I'm also thinking of fucking my own asshole with a ๐Ÿฅ’ too I bet that would be very exciting for him to witness from me doing this for myself to enjoy.
