
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I thought after college I would never have to spend countless nights researching information and writting what I have learned. Well I don't have to anymore for anybody but myself! Well the past 2 weeks I have been researching, looking up, studying all kinds of remedies, cures, natural supplements, prevention etc... on cancer. What would I do without the internet? Look in the encyclopedia? Man, we have come a long way!

I found several helpful sites and have spent many countless nights reading that my head hurts! I found a cancer fighting strategy page and it gave me 100 pages of what can cause cancer and strategies that have been tested that have been proven to work. People who have cancer, of course their immunity is down, also have low levels of PH in return can cause......... a whole list of things! When yourPH level is low, cancer thrives because your body stores more toxins in cells and that reduces oxygen which are both fundamentals to the development of cancer. It seems like one thing can go wrong with your body which causes something else to not function normal which causes something else. It seems like the never ending story!

I found a whole list of all natural organic supplements that have been proven to stop the spread of cancer and get rid of stage 4 cancer completely. When you have cancer already it says to take 5 to 10 x's more the recomended dose. I have a whole list of organic supplements and what they are good for to take with us to the doctor's office on Monday to see what he thinks. I saw something on the news last year about a lady who spent all kinds of money on an 'alkiline' water system in her house and it cleared her, dementia, arthiritis and a few other issues she had. This site also talked about the effects of alkiline water! Something about the oxygen in the water and it helps neutralize the PH in your body. Well most people can't go out and afford 5,000 for an alkaline system. So it said put 3 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water everyday and it is the same to drinking alkaline water. Huh?

We all know how picky Cody is when it comes to food (Thank Jed for this!), but I also found a list of foods that are cancer fighting and I think I will have to hold Cody down while I shove them down his throat! :) Or I could use my juicer and mix some veggies in his juice! :) Everyone always talks about how good green tea is for you. Most people buy the green tea already made, full of sugar, and it doesn't work the same. You have to get the real deal green tea, Japanese green tea is the best and steep in water for 10 minutes and drink within the hour. After the hour it looses its cancer fighting stuff. So the next time ya'll come visit, we might be green tea people! :) Here is a list of all the cancer fighting foods I found and how to eat them! If you care :)

- Fresh ginger or ginger root ( fresh grated ginger over stir fry veggies or over soups or salads, teas, cereal)

-Tumeric powder ( also known as curry powder, I think, mix teaspoon of Tumeric with teaspoon of olive or canola oil with a pinch of ground black pepper, add to steamed veggies, soups, salad dressings)

Brussell sprouts, bok choy, chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower ( steam briefly/stir fry rapidly, cook too long kills cancer fighting compounds) This is the one I will have a hard time getting Cody to eat, he will not touch anything green and I don't think you can juice broccoli!

Fresh garlic- not in a jar, the clove of garlic! (saute with olive/canola oil with onions and veggies and you can toss it in the tumeric with pepper) over steamed whole grain rice!

Soy Milk/Soy yogurt- Cody loves his milk and I know he will never drink this willingly! Maybe I could just pour the soy in the regular jug? LOL

Pomegranate juice - 8 oz with breakfast every morning

Fish- 2-3 X's a week (even sardines in a can work) LOL that is so what the website said! Daddy, I know you love sardines! That is what you would feed me and Kristen when we would stay with you and I still like them! Although I haven't had them since I was 10.

Dark Chocolate- (small piece a day with at least 70% cocoa)

Lemon, grapefruit, oranges, tangerine PEEL ( zest on top of cereal, yogurt or boil in water and drink)

Blueberries, rasberries, cranberries, strawberries-( mix with your soy milk and cereal or oatmeal) I have started making Cody a lot of smoothies with soy yogurt, fruit, and a little bit of apple juice and he loves it, and I haven't told him about the soy yogurt yet :) Suprise Cody!

Hope this is helpfull to all and maybe next time we are all at nannies we can have a tea party!

Cody just came home smelling like a skunk and now our WHOLE house smells like one too!


P.S. Don't forget to click away!


  1. I feel healthier just reading about all those great suggestions!

  2. Thank you God for my great daughter-in-law, I love you so much Karen!! It's so hard being so far away when you know your children are hurting/sick and as a parent you feel so helpless. The one thing I know I don't have to worry about is Cody's well-being. I know he is in very capable, loving, nurturing, and precious hands....he will probably come through this ordeal healthier than he's ever been in his life!! Thank you for being so are definitely a gift sent to our family from GOD!! We love you both so much.

  3. Wow! I actually feel a little better about how we eat! I just bought a microplane to help with zesting fruit, and it is the best gadget I've purchased!! (you can find them at Walmart or any kitchen store)...makes the job 100% easier! Also, if you buy garlic and don't use it all at once, you can freeze it. I just stick the whole bulb in the freezer. Once it's frozen, the cloves are easier to peel too. And Lipton green tea bags are pretty good (the fresh brew types)...not as good as the premade stuff, but like you said, better for you. Still figuring out how to brew well...maybe you can perfect it for me!!

  4. Hey Karen, I was just reading your blog about the things to eat and drink to help fight off cancer and I saw that soy milk was one of them, anyway the Silk brand chocolate soy milk is really good, I used to drink it some because I cant drink regular chocolate milk so I tried the soy milk instead and it is pretty tasty!!

    Brooke Morrison
